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1 rubric Culture Day: Food Report & Food       popup preview  
Bring in food from your chosen countries culture and present in a creative manner.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric WWI Power Point/Poster       popup preview  
All projects must site 2 books and 2 internet sites for references. Total 20 slides including a title page and bibliography. Posters follow the same rules but its difficulty level is less, so it is harder to get an A. You should also sight your info on your poster as well as your power point. Presentations of Slide Shows & Posters will start on Wed April 11.

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Writing a Song/Rap, 3D model, power point       popup preview  
Students will create a song/Rap, 3D Model, power point in which they fully explain an event from WWII. Reminder site your sources! All projects require a oral presentation of facts about their project.

Grade levels:   6-8  
4 rubric Mock Trial       popup preview  
Rubric evaluates both evidence and performance in the "Boston Tea Party" mock trial.

Grade levels:   6-8  
5 rubric WWI Power Point       popup preview  
All projects must site 2 book and 2 internet sites for references. Total 20 slides for American History not counting your title page or bibliography. The Report paper must be one page in length using 12 font New Roman Times. You should also sight your info on your paper as well as your power point. Paper is to be double spaced. Presentations of Slide Shows will start on Jan 14 and report is also due at the same time. American pick a topic or person during WWI.

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric WWII Power Point May 2015 Global       popup preview  
A power point project. All projects must site 2 books and 2 internet sites for references. Total 30 slides not counting your title page or bibliography. The Report paper must be two pages in length using 12 font and either Bookman Old Style or New Roman Times. You should also sight your info on your paper as well as your power point. Paper is to be double spaced. Pick a topic or person from WWII of your choice. All project should contain relevant information. DUE:May 20, 2015

Grade levels:   9-12  
7 rubric Industrial Revolution Jan 2016 Global       popup preview  
A power point project. All projects must site 2 books and 2 internet sites for references. Total 30 slides not counting your title page or bibliography. The Report paper must be two pages in length using 12 font and either Bookman Old Style or New Roman Times. You should also sight your info on your paper as well as your power point. Paper is to be double spaced. Pick a topic or person from Industrial Revolution of your choice. All projects should contain relevant information DUE:Jan 14 2016

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric WWII Power Point May 2014 Global       popup preview  
A power point project. All projects must site 2 books and 2 internet sites for references. Total 25 slides not counting your title page or bibliography. The Report paper must be two pages in length using 12 font and either Bookman Old Style or New Roman Times. You should also sight your info on your paper as well as your power point. Paper is to be double spaced. Pick a topic or person from WWII of your choice. All project should contain relevant information. DUE:May 22, 2014

Grade levels:   9-12  
9 rubric Power Point Industrial Revolution       popup preview  
All projects must site 2 book & 2 internet sites. Total 23 slides not counting your title page or bibliography. The Report paper must be two pages in length using 12 font. You should also sight your info on your paper as well as your report. Paper is to be double spaced. Presentations of Slide Shows will start on Jan 8 and report is also due at the same time. GLOBAL pick a topic or person during the industrial revolution. All project should contain relevant information on the person or topic.

Grade levels:   9-12  
10 rubric Civil Rights Powerpoint       popup preview  
A power point presentation rubric for just about any project. All projects must site 2 book and 2 internet sites for references. Total 35 slides for American History not counting your title page or bibliography. The Report paper must be one page in length using 12 font and either Bookman Old Style or New Roman Times. You should also sight your info on your paper as well as your power point. Paper is to be double spaced. AMERICAN pick a topic or person from Civil Rights Era of your choice. All projects should contain relevant information on the person or topic.

Grade levels:   9-12  
11 rubric Writing a Song, Poem, poster, powerpoint or Rap       popup preview  
Students will create a song, poem, poster, powerpoint or rap in which they fully explain an event from the Jazz Age.

Grade levels:   6-8  
12 rubric Media History Video Project       popup preview  
Create a 3-5 minute documentary that tells the story of a major event of the Civil Rights Movement.

Grade levels:   9-12  
13 rubric Social Studies Project / Presentation       popup preview  
Students will research information on court cases that impacted the Civil Rights movement. They will then present these to the class in a 2-3 minute presentation.

Grade levels:   6-8  
14 rubric Animoto Video Civil Rights Rubric       popup preview  
Students will research the Civil Rights Era using the internet, trade books, their textbook, and class discussion. They had to identify main ideas and details and represent them through a combination of text and images, using the Animoto app or other video format.

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
15 rubric WWII Power Point Jan 2013       popup preview  
A power point project. All projects must site 2 books and 2 internet sites for references. Total 25 slides not counting your title page or bibliography. The Report paper must be two pages in length using 12 font and either Bookman Old Style or New Roman Times. You should also sight your info on your paper as well as your power point. Paper is to be double spaced. Pick a topic or person from WWII of your choice. All project should contain relevant information. DUE:May 22, 2014

Grade levels:   9-12  
16 rubric Cold War & Vietnam Power Point       popup preview  
All projects must site 2 book and 2 internet sites for references. Total 25 slides for American History and Global Studies has 25 slides not counting your title page or bibliography. The Report paper must be two pages in length using 12 font and either Bookman Old Style or New Roman Times. You should also sight your info on your paper as well as your report. Paper is to be double spaced. Presentations of Slide Shows will start on May 31 and report is also due at the same time. AMERICAN pick a topic or person from the Cold War to Vietnam of your choice. GLOBAL pick a topic or person during WWII. All project should contain relevant information on the person or topic. Examples of topics might include Tet Offensive, Involvement in Cambodia, Gorilla Warfare, or Anti-War Movement.

Grade levels:   9-12  
17 rubric WWII Power Point       popup preview  
A power point presentation rubric for just about any project. All projects must site 2 book and 2 internet sites for references. Total 20 slides for American History not counting your title page or bibliography. The Report paper must be one pages in length using 12 font and either Bookman Old Style or New Roman Times. You should also sight your info on your paper as well as your report. Paper is to be double spaced. Presentations of Slide Shows will start on and report is also due at the same time. AMERICAN pick a topic or person from WWII of your choice. All project should contain relevant information on the person or topic.

Grade levels:   9-12  
18 rubric Great Depression Slide Show (TEACHER VER.)       popup preview  
30 picture slide show and two facts per picture describing why the picture was important during the time era. Slide show should be displayed in chronological order when possible. Due 2-22-10

Grade levels:  
19 rubric Great Depression Slide Show       popup preview  
30 picture slide show and two facts per picture describing why the picture was important during the time era. Slide show should be displayed in chronological order when possible. Due 2-22-10

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
20 rubric Vietnam/WWI Power Point       popup preview  
A power point presentation rubric for just about any project. All projects must site 2 book and 2 internet sites for references. Total 35 slides for American History and Global Studies has 30 slides not counting your title page or bibliography. The Report paper must be two pages in length using 12 font and either Bookman Old Style or New Roman Times. You should also sight your info on your paper as well as your power point. Paper is to be double spaced. Presentations of Slide Shows will start on May 21 and report is also due at the same time. AMERICAN pick a topic or person from Vietnam of your choice. GLOBAL pick a topic or person during WWI. All project should contain relevant information on the person or topic.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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