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English 101 Portfolio



As a student, it is important to set goals to strive for.  Without goals, it is difficult to track your progress.


Short Term Goals:

  • To have a GPA of at least 3.0 at the end of the semester.
    • It’s important to keep a good GPA throughout my college career to not only keep my scholarship, but to prove to myself that I can do it.  I’ve never been big on self-esteem, so if I can prove to myself that I can do something good, it’d be a step in the right direction.
  • To earn an A on at least one paper in English 101 by December 10.
    • English has always been a weak subject for me.  I don’t know if it’s that I actually have trouble writing or if it’s that I have no motivation to write what I’m told to.  I rather do enjoy writing recreationally.  But if I could put some of that motivation and drive into one of my English papers, I’m sure that I could crank out one amazing paper.


Long Term Goals:

  • To receive an Associate in Science at the end of my two years at Tri-County Technical College (June 2010).
    • I am a college student with an undecided major.  Not the best thing to be when you’re spending a ton of money to learn more.  For now, I feel that the best way to continue my education would be to get a degree under my belt.  An Associate in Science would be the way to go for now, as I am a math and science buff.
  • To gain studentship at Clemson University for the Fall 2010 semester.
    • My next big goal.  I hope to keep my grades strong enough to enter Clemson with an Associate’s degree under my belt.  This will show Clemson that I am a dedicated student, and it will show me that I have what it takes to do what it takes.
  • To find what I want to major in by the time I enter Clemson University.
    • As I have already stated, I am undecided.  Which, I suppose, is alright for now as I am going for a general Associate’s Degree.  But by the time I get to Clemson, it is important that I know what I want to do so that I’m not sitting around wasting time and money on classes that I won’t need.
  • To graduate with a degree in my major of choice by 2012.
    • A goal based on my previous goals.  I don’t want to sit around wasting time in college.  I feel that I have wasted enough time in my life doing meaningless nonsense.  I need to know what I want to do, and I need to get it done.  I have a direction, I just may need a little push.