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Sexuality & body in early Christian


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Insight into African religion, giving attention to Christianity and Islam on the African continent, including the contemporary dynamics of African religion, African Christianity, African Islam and the coexistence of these religions in Africa.
Religion or supernatural belief from the perspective of anthropology. Religion in the context of "primitive" society as well as its role in complexsociety. Religious practitioners, ritual, belief systems and the relationship of religiousbehavior to other aspects of social behavior.
Classical teachings and philosophies in various historical schools and contemporary societies. Choice between the study of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Reflection on different understandings of being human as cultural, social and believing human beings by interacting with Anthropology, Cultural and Social Studies. It also equips them to examine the role, place and nature of churches, communities and structures of faith within society (ecclesiology).
History of Christian hymns, their themes, and structures. Liturgics
Reflection and explore key concepts in Islamic philosophy and mysticism in order to develop the self and societies.
insight into the three Abrahamic faiths, with emphasis on both their unique and related elements, and with reference to Scripture and tradition, monotheism, authority, worship and ritual, ethics, the material culture, political order, and dialogue.
Understanding of meditation as the experiential dimension of ‘mysticism’/’spirituality’ with reference to some individual mystics, classical writings and schools – both traditionally religious and secular, past and present.
An introduction to Ancient near eastern mythology and comparison of selected literary works.
The emergence and significance of cults and new religious movements (NRMs) in modern society (including definitions, incidence and significance, typology, factors that determine the success or failure of NRMs, and NRMs with respect to violence and the media).
insight into the implications of postmodernism with respect to religious thought, including postmodern critiques of past religio-metaphysical systems, the postmodern and deconstructive renewal of the search for transcendence, and the religious dimensions of deconstructive thought.
Religion and public life and Religion and gender. In Religion and public life the purpose is to gain insight into the role of religion in society and politics, religion-state relationships, religious freedom, religious conflict, religious religious nationalism, and religious pluralism in South Africa. In the Gender option the purpose is to demonstrate an understanding of the shaping of the lives of women and men and the promotion of androcentrism and male dominance through religious beliefs, practices and symbols, with reference to a variety of religions.
Basic dimensions of the Great World religions (sacred stories, ethics, ritual, doctrine, history) and approaches to religion (theological, descriptive, historical).
Comparative study of the construction of sexuality, the body and personhood in the ancient Biblical world by dealing with contemporary relevant aspects such as sexual orientation, procreation, body awareness and personality.
Recognize and understand the role, meaning and context of performance ritual.
History of the study of religion, and approaches: historical, comparative, philological, psychology of religion, sociology of religion, anthropology of religion, and phenomenlogy of religion. Religion as an important factor in individual and public life, in the following dimensions: religion and society, religion and experience, myth and ritual, religious thought, and interreligious dynamics;
The ‘history of God’ with reference to African religion, monotheism (Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha’i), Hinduism, Buddhism, pantheism, panentheism and process thought, and cosmic ecology.
