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Student Environmental Association



Constitution and ByLaws

Student Environmental Association HFCC
Constitution and Bylaws
Article I. Definitions
Section 1. Club: Refers to the organization Student Environmental Association.
Section 2. College: Refers to the institution Henry Ford Community College.
Article II.   Name of Club
Section 1:  The official name of this organization will be Student Environmental Association.  The motto of the club is "We Care for the Earth that Cares for Us."
Article III.  Purpose
Section 1: To promote and provide programs targeted at helping the environment.
Section 2: To provide a place for students to talk about and discuss their environmental concerns.
Section 3: To contribute to the public understanding and appreciation of the problems involved with the preservation of natural resources and wildlife.
Article IV.  Duties of Officers
Section 1: President
            A. The President will represent the club.
            B. The President will schedule club meetings and plan the agenda.
            C. The President will meet/or discuss club business with the club advisor on a monthly basis.
            D. The President will represent the club at student club meetings and college events.
            E. The President will keep the Student Activities Office informed of club events and activities.
Section 2: Vice-President
            A. The Vice President will assist the President and fill in for the President when he/she is not available.
            B. The Vice President will contact members about upcoming meetings and events.
Section 3: Secretary
            A. The Secretary will take minutes at each meeting.
            B. The Secretary will keep track of attendance at meetings.
            C. The Secretary will maintain a record book of activities.
            D. The Secretary will be responsible for the purchasing of necessary officer supplies.
Section 4: Treasurer
            A. The Treasurer will monitor the club?s income and expenses.
            B. The Treasurer will make sure deposits are made on a timely basis.
            C. The Treasurer will issue a financial report at each meeting.
            D. The Treasurer will keep financial records.
Article V.  Quorum
Section 1: A quorum shall consist of 1/3 the membership (including at least two officers) present at each meeting.  If no quorum is present, the President may issue a phone vote of members and will record the results for the Secretary.
Article VI.  Election of Officers
Section 1: Temporary Officers
            A. At the formation of the club, students may volunteer to assume office.
            B. Officers will serve until September of each year.
Section 2: Permanent Officers.
            A. Officers are required to be enrolled as students at HFCC.  Officers must be in good standing at the college.
            B. The election meeting will be announced at least two weeks in advance.  Current members will receive written notice (postal service or e-mail) of the election.
            C. Election date, time, and place will be printed and posted on HFCC bulletin boards.
Section 3:  The officers shall be members of the S.E.A. and shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer.  Other officers may be chosen if deemed necessary for betterment of the organization. 
Section 4: Officers shall be elected at the start of the fall semester of the Academic year. Elections as necessary shall be held to fill vacancies caused by an officer leaving the S.E.A.  An officer?s term will last for one full Academic year (September to the next September). 
Section 5: Candidates for the office of President shall have been a voting member of the S.E.A. for at least one semester preceding such candidacy.  
Section 6:  Candidates for the office of Treasurer shall be students of the University of Michigan at the time of their candidacy. 
Section 7: All elected officers shall be chosen by secret ballot, nominations being made from the voting members of the S.E.A. at a meeting at least one week prior to the elections, with nominations remaining open up to the time of elections.  The candidates receiving a majority of all votes shall be deemed to have been elected. 
Section 8:  All elected persons shall assume their functions immediately upon election. 
Section 9:  Re-elections will be held in September at the beginning of the Academic year. 
Section 10:  All terms end on the September following the election of an officer.  This applies to all officers even those who are elected in the middle of the school year (e.g. winter term).  An officer can be reelected into the same position as long as another election takes place. 
Article VII.  Amendments to the Constitution
Section 1: Amendments to this Constitution or any portion thereof may be amended by a simple majority vote of the members present at a meeting.  Any amendments to the Constitution will be submitted to the club members, in writing (via e-mail or postal mail), 10 days prior to the meeting.
Article VIII.  Membership
Section 1: Membership shall be open to any currently enrolled student at HFCC, alumni of HFCC, and employees of HFCC. 
Section 2: Although this is an HFCC student club organization, the club welcomes students at University of Michigan-Dearborn and alumni of the University of Michigan-Dearborn as members.
Section 3: All club members shall abide by the rules of the college and the constitution and bylaws of the club.
Section 4: We would also encourage any members of the general public to partake in the activities, events, workload and general happenings of our club. Public members will not be allowed to serve in any officer role as specified in Article VII, Section 2 - A. 
Article IX.  Removal of Officers
Section 1: An officer may be removed from office for just cause.
Section 2: An officer will be considered resigned if he/she is no longer a student.  A hearing is not required.
Section 3: If an officer is voted upon to be removed, they shall receive a notice in writing by mail and a right to a hearing (as outlined in Robert?s Rules of Orders).  The hearing will take place 14 business days after the officer in question receives the notice.
Section 4: A vote by the majority of the voting membership is required to suggest removing an officer.
Section 5: After the hearing, the vote upon removing the officer will require 1/2 of the voting membership.
Article X. - Records
Section 1: The records of the S.E.A. shall consist of a minute?s book, membership records, financial records, a record of membership participation, as well as any other records as the membership deems necessary. 
Article XI.  Website Upkeep
Section 1: The Website: is to be maintained and updated by either the President or another appointed Officer.
Section 2: The website requires updating on a weekly basis.  The information to login as the 'Webmaster' will be given by the Advisor to the President for them to either update the website or to delegate the responsibility of maintaining the website.  
Section 3: Login information should only be shared between the President, the Advisor and the person who is delegated to maintaining the website at the current time.  This information is confidential and shall be changed each time the President or the Website Maintainer leaves Office.
Article XII.  E-Mail
Section 1: The E-Mail: is to be maintained and updated by either the President or another Officer appointed by the President.
Section 2: The E-Mail can only be used to:
A. Send out Meeting Minutes.
B. Send out Weekly Announcements to the General Membership.
C. To Inform Members of a Constitutional Amendment.
D. To make contact with individuals who have e-mailed; for the purpose of recruiting new members.
Section 3:  If this E-mail is not used to do any of the actions listed in Article XIII Section 2, then the alternate E-mail address used to perform the actions must be approved by the Advisor and the President.
Section 4: Login information should only be shared between the President, the Advisor and the person who is delegated to maintaining the e-mail at the current time.  This information is confidential and shall be changed each time the President or the E-Mail Maintainer leaves Office.
Policy and Bylaws
Meetings will take place at a time and place determined by the President and Advisor.
Members will receive notice of the meeting by phone, e-mail, or mail.
Meetings will take place at least once a month at the college.
Projects and Programs
Projects and programs will be decided by the membership.
The club will hold at least one project a semester.
Club Representation
A representative of the club will be present at meetings or events that are organized by the HFCC Student Activities Office.
The advisor will be a member of the HFCC faculty and serve voluntarily.  The advisor will maintain contact with the officers and membership.  The advisor shall not serve as an officer.