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Student Environmental Association



About Us

    * We are in the process of becoming an established Club at Henry Ford Community College. 

    * Professor Secrest of the World Religion department at Henry Ford has accepted the honor of becoming the Advisor of the Student Enironmental Association of HFCC.

    * The purpose of this club is to become a sister to the Student Enironmental Association of U-M Dearborn.  Members of each Club are allowed and encouraged to participate in activities of each of the two groups. 

    * The S.E.A. at U-M Dearborn has been a very strong organization for years.  The S.E.A. at U-M Dearborn encouraged the students of HFCC to create and develop a strong organization on the campus of HFCC.

    *At this time, only members from the Henry Ford Community College are allowed to take Office in the Student Environmental Association at HFCC.
