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The Student Environmental Association at The University of Michigan-Dearborn 

About Us

The Student Environmental Association (SEA) at the University of Michigan-Dearborn was established circa 1979 and re-established in 2006 by Eric Bacyinski. It has consistently engaged the community with outstanding quality events like Focus the Nation 2007, the first annual Sustainability Fest 2009, environmental and sustainability literacy throughout the University of Michigan-Dearborn campus and surrounding areas.

Environment is everywhere, and we focus on engaging it sustainably from all dimensions: social, economic, and ecosystemic.

Our activities include anything from academic and professional development to recreation and activism. What keeps us focused is a short but very big question: What can we do that is relevant and significant to the greater community around us? Because environment is such an interdisciplinary topic, we're confident you'll find something of interest.

The answer is usually found somewhere between the classroom and reality--theory and praxis. Along the way, we continue to discover fun, comradeship, and insights about leadership and life's interconnectivity by considering the context of our current, former, and future circumstances.

We believe it is important that everyone has the opportunity to learn about their surroundings, empower others with what they have learned, and partake informed, considerate, and compassionate action. We welcome diverse perspectives and encourage them to be articulated considerately.

We also believe that the best way to understand, appreciate, and steward the environment is to experience it in all its forms. Our group tries not to stay indoors too often, and we go to a variety of natural and built environments.

Some of the activities we're interested in:

Community Service, Community Enrichment Academic and Professional Development (Environmental Conferences, career expos, etc.) Interpretive Walks, Educational Outreach, Environmental Literacy, Education Recreation (Canoeing/Kayaking, Sailing, Camping, Hiking, Backpacking, etc.) Leadership Development and Organizational Sustainability Considerate and Informed Activism Organizational Collaboration Food (mmmm... food)--especially discovering edible plants Cultivating lasting friendships, meeting new people

The group hosts both day trips and weekend excursions and organizes or participates in many community outreach and service ventures including tree planting, native plant seed collection, and invasive species pulls.
S.E.A also holds many on-campus events including the annual Reptiles & Amphibians and Birds of Prey exhibitions, guest lectures, the Owl Prowl, Spiders at Night, etc. and we also host various socials, environmental-themed movie nights, and more!

The SEA group itself is composed of a number of students from different backgrounds with one thing in common: their love to learn and appreciate the environment. We have students from virtually every major on campus from political science to biology, foreign relations to education, and engineering. Just as the environment itself is infinitely diverse, so too is our group!

Interested in joining, or just need more information? Feel free to send us an e-mail at! (If interested in membership, please type "membership" in the subject line of the e-mail)

Join us Thursdays at 4:30 pm during regular semesters (Fall/Winter) at the Environmental Interpretive Center


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