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Flight 307 Blogging Rubric 2014 
Use the following criteria to maintain an effective blog during this semester/year. You must post three blog entries a week, Monday through Friday to meet the standard. You must complete the assigned creative thinking task as well.
Rubric Code: WXWACCA
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 9-12

Powered by iRubric Flight 307 Blogging Rubric

Exceeds the Standard

97 pts

There It Is

Meets the Standard

85 pts

Well . . .

Partially Meets the Standard

65 pts


Does Not Yet Meet the Standard

50 pts

Post Content

To what extent do your posts demonstrate understanding of reading & other texts? (READING)


I love how you convey meaningful, unique, insights about the texts through your posts, including the creative post.
There It Is

I like how you convey meaningful understandings of the texts through your posts, including the creative post.
Well . . .

I noticed that sometimes your entries don't always demonstrate an understanding of the texts. Where is the creative post? How might you better show your understanding?

What's up? I'm not seeing much content here or evidence of understanding the texts. How can I help?
Making Connections

To what extent do you connect to the ideas of others? (AI/HoM Interdependent Thinking)


I love how you make meaningful, insightful connections to student blog posts & outside material.
There It Is

I like how you make meaningful connections to student blogs or outside material.
Well . . .

I see that you linked to some student blogs and outside material, but I'm not seeing how it impacted your thinking. How can you go further than just liking other ideas?

What's up? I'm not seeing any connections to other materials at all. How can I help you find ways to connect to outside material?
Professional Appearance

To what extent does the paper feature proper grammar, spelling, usage and such. (MUGS)


I love how rich and powerful your use of language is. You clearly have command of your mechanics et al and use them in the service of your style.
There It Is

I like how well you use your language. When I notice errors they do not interfere at all. How might you improve your MUGS so that you may develop a stronger personal style?
Well . . .

I'm concerned with how many errors showed up in your language (I may also be concerned that your writing was too short to be assessed this way.) What tools/resources could help you with proofreading and editing?

What's up? It seems like you failed to proofread at all. How might I help you get your MUGS on track?
Effective Blog Posts Count

How many posts did you publish (AI/HoM: Interdependent Thinking)


I love how you published four or more effective blog posts between Monday and Friday.
There It Is

I like how you published three effective blog posts between Monday and Friday.
Well . . .

I noticed you only published two effective blog posts between Monday and Friday for the week. How might you find time to post more frequently?

What's up? I hardly noticed your presence on your blog this week. How can I help you generate content for your blog?

How On Time Were Your Posts Published?<BR>


I love how your blog entries are posted on time or even a day earlier.
There It Is

Blog entries are posted a day late. And that's okay.
Well . . .

I noticed your blog entries are posted up to one week late. How might you be able to schedule time to write?

What's up? Blog entries are posted up to two weeks late. How can I help you get more on time?



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