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iRubric: Spanish Speaking Country Travel Project rubric

iRubric: Spanish Speaking Country Travel Project rubric

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Spanish Speaking Country Travel Project 
You and a classmate will be taking a trip to an assigned Spanish speaking country. You will need to research your country to learn about the culture, weather & climate, currency of the country, religion, foods, housing, famous landmarks and government. I also want to know what a round trip ticket would cost from Texas. Include all travel documents you will need to travel to that country. Part 1 (RESEARCH & FORMAT), Part 2 (DRAW IT!) - Map and Part 3 (Oral Presentation) - Culture and Itinerary
Rubric Code: TCB8A7
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Subject: Foreign Languages  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: (none)

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1 pts

Somewhat Complete

2 pts

Generally Complete

3 pts


4 pts

Part 1: Research

Provide baseline research about the culture, weather & climate, currency of the country, religion, foods, housing, famous landmarks and government. I also want to know what a round trip ticket would cost from Texas. Include all travel documents you will need to travel to that country as well." 20 sentences minimum. (4 words minimum per sentence)


Few to none of the requirements completed.
Somewhat Complete

Less than half of the requirements completed correctly.
Generally Complete

Most of the requirements completed correctly.

All requirements competed correctly.
Part 1: Format & Creativity

Your research is organized in several different formats: Report/ Travel Brochure/ Diorama/ Poster/ Booklet/Powerpoint/etc.


Did not organize their research in an acceptable format to display their findings creatively: Poster, report, brochure, booklet,etc.
Somewhat Complete

Somewhat organized their research in a reasoneably acceptable format to display their findings creatively: Poster, report, brochure, booklet,etc.
Generally Complete

Mostly organized their research in an adequate format to display their findings creatively: Poster, report, brochure, booklet,etc.

Exceeds the requirements of the assignment and has organized their research in an more than adequate format to display their findings creatively: Poster, report, brochure, booklet,etc.
Total Points for Part 1
Part 2: Draw it! MAP

Hand drawn map of country, region, or city is provided and labeled in Spanish.


Map of researched country was not complete or done: not HAND drawn & labeled properly in Spanish.
Somewhat Complete

Map of researched country was somewhat done: somewhat HAND drawn or computer printed & labeled some in Spanish.
Generally Complete

Map of researched country was mostly done: mostly HAND drawn & labeled mostly in Spanish.

Map of researched country exceeded requirements: HAND drawn, labeled properly in Spanish.
Total Points for Part 2
Part 3: Oral Presentation

Students will present completed project. Each person in the groups will present information with a visual aid (along with location drawing): google earth, photos, postcards, etc.


Speaker/s is not fluent and not understandable.
Somewhat Complete

Speaker/s is somewhat fluent and somewhat understandable.
Generally Complete

Speaker/s is mostly fluent and mostly understandable.

Fluency and Comprehensibility exceeded.
Part 3: Culture and Itinerary

Students provide a cultural experience when presenting with all or one of the the following: food, music, native dress, etc. They must develop an itinerary including what sites they will visit, where they will stay and what they plan to do/eat/etc.


Speaker/s did not provide something cultural nor did they provide an itinerary.
Somewhat Complete

Speaker/s somewhat provided something cultural and itinerary was not developed.
Generally Complete

Speaker/s mostly provided something cultural and a developed itinerary.

Cultural experience exceeded and itinerary full and well developed.
Total Points for Part 3


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