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English 101 Portfolio


ENG 101

ENG 101

           English 101 is the college entry level English course.  It is going back to the basics of writing papers and going in depth with the techniques used. 




             This picture is of headphones with a pink background.  This picture represents me because I am always listening to music with my iPod or just random songs stuck in my head.  I can hardly go a day without music, and I do not believe I ever have.  Music helps me through any mood I am in.  It fills up the boring nights when I cannot fall asleep and keeps me company on long drives.  I love most kinds of music, at least the ones where you can understand what they are saying and they are not talking about nonsense.  I have tons of music on my iPod, which suits all kinds of days.  I ran out of room when I hit 1,582 songs, so I think I need to upgrade my gigs.



Some positive experience I got from writing this essay was that I realized that living on my own is the best thing for me to do right now.   I work at Burger King, and I can barely keep from spending all of my check before I get paid again, and I get paid every week.  I think that if I had to, I would be able to save to be able to pay bills and have it for groceries, but I am not willing to test it out until I have a better control over how much I spend.  The negatives I got from this essay were seeing that I can't just pull an essay out of nowhere anymore.  In high school, that's all I ever did.  I never planned on how to write one, and rarely planned on what to write them about.  I just sat down the day before it was due and wrote an entire essay in one night.  And I recieved really good grades on them.  In college, this is something of dreams.  I can not just simply write it like I used to and expect to get a high grade on it.  High school was way too easy.  They need to bump it up so students are actually prepared for college, instead of thinking that it's going to be that easy.

