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English 101 Portfolio


COL 105

COL 105


            College 105 is basically a freshmen seminar.  It is to help freshmen integrate themselves easier into college life.  The whole course is teaching you better techniques of studying and note taking.  It also gives you other tips about college life in general, like saving money, or just getting involved with people at your college and making new friends that will be beneficial to your learning environment.

            The most recent workshop that I went to for College 105 was the Diversity Workshop.  It was a very interesting experience, and nothing like I thought it would be.  When we first got there, the teachers leading it explained what we were going to do, and the first thing was called “Up Downs.”  The whole exercise was showing all of us which different “groups” we belonged to.  The teachers would call out “female” or “belonged to a divorced family” and the ones who belonged to that group had to stand up, and the rest of the class would clap for them.  The next two exercises consisted of us getting up, finding someone on the other end of the room, and introducing ourselves and telling them what groups we were in and then what we liked and disliked about one specific group;  all in all, a very productive workshop.  I enjoyed it very much because it gave us more ideas of how to make new friends with different, or similar, backgrounds to our own.

            Another activity I went to was where a former political cartoonist, Kate Sally Palmer, came to Tri-County and talked about her life while illustrating the cartoons and all the hate mail she had to deal with.  This was not really an educational activity, but it was interesting.  Mrs. Palmer gave future artists something to think about in political cartooning, but she also showed them the negatives about it.  Luckily, she found another way to exercise her abilities.  I enjoyed this workshop because she was very entertaining and a great artist and I love to hear about other peoples' experiences in the work place.  She now illustrates, and writes, children’s books.

