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English 101 Portfolio


ENG 101

English 101 is a course where the students learn how to develop thoughts into full papers.  They learn what it takes to write a well-formed sentence and how to relate all the sentences in a paper.  They not only learn how to construct thoughts and put them on paper with proper grammar, but they also learn how to cite an enormous amount of works in MLA format.  It’s a lot of work, but it pays off in the end.




In this picture, there is a framed black guitar with a snapped headstock.  The guitar has white writing on it, and it has a dark wooden neck.  The strings were removed, and a few of the frets have birds encrusted onto them.  The guitar rests against a red background with what seems like a tribal-esque frame.


I feel that this image represents who I am because it shows that there is order in the deformed.  While there are fallacies, there are people who will have your back, like those that signed the broken guitar.  People know what it should look like, even if there is a part missing.  The fact that the broken guitar is framed is significant as it represents that there is no need to hide mistakes or faults.


Click here to view my cause and effect essay.


I feel that this is the essay that I worked hardest on so far this semester.  I go into great detail bringing examples from my life into the paper to back up my point.  It was the first time that I put myself into one of my papers.  I feel that the content present in the paper is top notch, though the presentation could be a bit better.  I have a hard time using correct grammar in long essays or projects.  There are so many words in the paper that I just have a hard time concentrating to correct the issues I have.  This is apparent in this paper, as it might come off as a little hard to interpret, but the information contained within the jumble of words is good.
