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The Student Environmental Association at The University of Michigan-Dearborn 

"The Brainstorm Board"

Current projects and events:

Details and project descriptions can be found on our blog (


The Native Seeds Project

-We've recouped the $50 loan and have a $6.50 profit as of Friday, March 26th

-We collected and packaged prarie plants: Black eyed susan, bee balm, dense blazing star, and wild nodding onion

-Packets are still for sale at for a suggested $1 donation per packet, they can be bought at SEA meetings and events

-If you'd like to help out or purchase some, let us know at:  greenwolverines (at)


Bioswale Project

-April 22nd/weekend of Earth day?

-June 5th Rouge River (and campus Bioswale) Rescue Day at UM-Dearborn

Friends of the Rouge, Volunteer Dearborn, SEA, and friends...



The Campus Global Citizenship Initiative

-March: Reptiles and Amphibians Day at Global Fest with Jim Mcgrath, read the findings here.


-(tentatively scheduled) October:  Ethnic Archetypes and the Arab Image with Dr. Ronald Stockton; how stereotypes transfer from time to time and culture to culture, what it means to us (yes, including environmentalists), and what we can do about it.




Event ideas for consideration:

Birds of Prey

Invasive Species removal/education + Goldfishing!

SEA photo/film expeditions
Conventional Camping
Day-trips (to parks, etc.)

Eco-theology series--religion and stewardship

Grilling/sustainable cooking

Campus Composting program

Local food/food grown on campus sold to cafeteria

Campus Recycling cost/benefit analysis

Projects for greening the school: native plantings, food not lawn, energy footprint reduction

Open Space discussions
Lecture series
Wilderness Survival camp out
Urban Ecology expedition
Farmer's market/Orchard/cider mill/pumpkin patch
Sustainable Vision theme
Local ordinance native plant education/cityhall meeting
Tropicana Rainforest thing

Petition to change paper towels on campus to unbleached/recycled paper

Performance arts-themes of environment, space, sustainability

Events in progress and/or in planning:


Native Plant Seed Collection: education, sales, regional repository

On-campus bioswale project
Locovore/vegetarian/vegan food potluck (Done!)

Sustainable Campus Charter

Vegan sub option in the McKinley Cafe

MI Green Schools certification


LEED Certified building tours (Visited the IHM Monroe Motherhouse; would anyone like to tour the Ford Rouge Plant?)


Greening of Detroit (Check out the trees we planted on the South side of Jefferson Avenue near Mt. Elliot!)



Interpretive walks before meetings (Already happening!)
Invasive Species removal/education (In planning!)
Great Lakes and Watershed Education & Film screenings (In planning!)
Bottled Water ban/deposit return ballot proposal (In planning!)


Campus Sustainability Fest:
The Sense of Wonder: Sustainable Art Exhibition (Done!)
Sustainable Connections Career Expo (Done!)
Sustainability day Scavenger Hunt (Done!)

Local Food guest speakers, local chef guest speakers (Done!)
Aramark organic/local food petition (Under close consideration!)

Science Cafe (In planning, watch out for this winter semester!)
Flannel Day/Maple Syruping (planned for winter semester





HFCC collaborations (In progress!)


Collaboration with the following are under consideration:

English Club

Students in Free Enterprise

Micro Bio Club collaboration

               Univeristy of Michigan Dearborn home | Student Environmental Association-HFCC | club home | contact us                 


